Saturday 7 July 2012

Winning Deck Analysis: Tyler Tabman's Toys

I suppose anyone who's at least somewhat competitive has found out that the North American Qualifier was won by Tyler Tabman and his Wind-Up deck. So, I suppose I was right about my prediction on my last post saying that it would be a deck that has yet to win a YCS, in this case, Wind-Ups.
I hope that you've all read a bit further than the winner and found that the finals were Wind-Ups VS Wind-Ups: Tyler's with Instant Fusion and Robert Lewis's with Maurauding Captain to easily bring out the Level 3s in your hand, to make Zenmaity.

Overview of Wind-Ups:

To understand why Wind-Ups have won, we must first understand why they couldn't win. In fact, there are quite a few cards out there that pose a problem to them. To name a few: Maxx ''C'', Effect Veiler, D.D. Crow, Gozen Match and even Cyber Dragon/Chimeratech. The biggest problem being Maxx ''C''. With the decrease of Maxx ''C'' in the main deck, Wind-Ups have a higher chance ''to shine'', raising the chance of winning game 1. This was just the good meta call.


Monsters: 21
3 – Wind-Up Rabbit
3 – Wind-Up Rat
3 – Wind-Up Shark
3 – Tour Guide From the Underworld
3 – Effect Veiler
2 – Wind-Up Magician
1 – Wind-Up Hunter
1 – Spirit Reaper
1 – Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

Spells: 13
3 – Mystical Space Typhoon
2 – Wind-Up Factory
2 – Instant Fusion
1 – Heavy Storm
1 – Book of Moon
1 – Dark Hole
1 – Pot of Avarice
1 – Mind Control
1 – Monster Reborn

Traps: 8
2 – Solemn Warning
2 – Torrential Tribute
2 – Bottomless Trap Hole
1 – Solemn Judgment
1 – Mirror Force

Extra: 15
3 – Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
1 – Wind-Up Zenmaines
1 – Number 20: Giga Brilliant
1 – Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 – Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 – Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1 – Number 39: Utopia
1 – Acid Golem
1 – Steelswarm Roach
1 – Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1 – Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1 – Cyber Saurus
1 – Dragoness the Wicked Knight

Side: 15
3 – Dimensional Fissure
3 – Shadow Imprisoning Mirror
2 – Maxx C
2 – Snowman Eater
2 – Dimensional Prison
1 – Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer
1 – Soul Taker
1 – Dust Tornado


1. Spirit Reaper: Spirit Reaper has found its place in the current meta, being able to stall out many decks such as Dino Rabbit, Chaos Dragons, Hieratics and even Heroes, until they waste a card such as Book of Moon or Forbidden Lance or Maestroke's effect.

2. Gorz: Even with continuous spells like Wind-Up Factory, Gorz is an essential card in the current meta. He is one of the only ones who can save you from: Future Fusion/Chaos Dragon, Inzektor Loop and even hurts a first or second turn Laggia.

3. Triple MST: Meant to destroy cards that would hurt the deck, probably stuff like Macro Cosmos and Gozen Match, being a must-have card.

4. Double Instant Fusion: Opens up Dragoness or Cyber Saurus XYZ plays (level 3 or level 5). With this, he was able to increase the chances to start up the loop on turn 1, being able to do something like summon Wind-Up Hunter and Instant Fusion into Dragoness for a quick Zenmaity, effectively starting up the loop. Of course, he can also bring out Tiras and Adreus using Shark + Cyber Saurus.

5. Double Bottomless Trap Hole: Great card for the current meta, being able to hit at least something in every top deck. Chaos Dragons; 90% of their deck. Heroes; 90% of their monsters. Wind-Ups; Shark, XYZs and Hunter. Dino Rabbit; all Dinos, Rabbit into Dinos, Dolkka, waste Laggia. Dark World, 90% of their monsters, mainly Grapha, which hurts a lot.

6. Triple D-Fissure: Hurting decks like Dark World while minimally hurting Wind-Ups.

7. Triple Shadow-Imprisonning: Obviously to counter at the same time decks like Dark World and Inzektor.

8. Double Maxx ''C'': For that Wind-Up mirror match, used  in the feature match.

9. Double Snowman Eater: Pesky Laggia counter.

10. Double D-Prison: My guess mostly for Chaos Dragons and Dark World.

11. Kycoo: Hurting Chaos Dragons for a while now.

12. Soul Taker: the Smashing Ground of this meta, designed to hurt Lightpulsar and E-Hero the Shining.

13. Dust Tornado: Another MST pretty much...


With this major victory for Wind-Ups, my guess is that the price for the cards are going to rise for a while then come back down when people start bringing back Maxx ''C''. Of course, with the eventual decrease of Wind-Ups, Maxx ''C'' will also begin to lose play and go back to the 20-to-30ish card instead of 70ish. When that happens, I suppose people will dust off and surprise the public yet again with these toys.

Anyway, best of luck to you Tyler.

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